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서브비주얼 내용시작


About Us

Wellness Global Commerce
회사개요 : 회사명, 대표이사, 설립일, 사업영역, 소재지, 연락처를 확인할 수 있습니다.
Company NameWellness Global Co., Ltd.CEOIn-sook Woo
Date of EstablishmentOctober 17th, 2018Business FieldManufacturing and retail of cosmetics, as well as research and marketing in the beauty field.
Location41-48, Garosu-ro 1164beon-gil, Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea [ZIP: 28377]

A company that pursues healthy beauty
with the best technology

Symbiotic Activation of the Local Economy - Activation of the local economy : Establishing a foundation for mutual growth through local networks, Integrity and Trust-Based Professional Company - Integrity and Trust : Practicing honest management that can earn the trust of customers and partners through reliable products and services, Good Technology, Customer Satisfaction Through the Best Quality - Customer Satisfaction : A company that enhances technology, quality, and customer service to impress customers
  • Symbiotic Activation of the Local Economy
    Activation of the local economy

    Establishing a foundation for mutual growth through local networks

  • Integrity and Trust-Based Professional Company
    Integrity and Trust

    Practicing honest management that can earn the trust of customers and partners through reliable products and services

  • Good Technology, Customer Satisfaction Through the Best Quality
    Customer Satisfaction

    A company that enhances technology, quality, and customer service to impress customers